Soldout Student Ministries
 Led By: Austin and Sami

SOLDOUT... Student Ministries
Welcome to the SOLDOUT Student Ministries page where you can find information about this ministry and any
upcoming events! Sunday Mornings - JR. High and High School 9:30 am service

Mid-Week Bible Study -Taught by Austin and Sami Aguilera: they are also leading our youth on Sunday mornings!

~ EVERY THURSDAY Working On Location~
Thursday’s 6:45—8:30pm
Host and Location: TBD Working On Location

All JR. High and High School Students welcome!  High energy games, Godly Discussions. and Great time for Fellowship.

Praise God, God has given a couple that has a real Heart and Passion to serve Christ and our kids!!!  

students who attend ND (New Day)..
We are blessed to have them and they feel blessed to serve the Junior High and High School
Are teo young adults gifted and talented in music and and teaching to lead our kids.
Austin and Sami

We at ND will do whatever it takes to help parents prepare their teens for life on their own, whenever that time comes! 


Bible study

Prayer (self/others, families, church. friends, and school, etc.)

Worship is an important part of our growth and commitment

Accountability & Encouraging conversations